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Amber Greve

When the going gets tough, I:
Get going! I love a challenge!
How to live a happy life:
Do what makes you happy, enjoy the little things and make plenty of time for your family.
Best non-nutritional snack for brain activation:
How I relax:
Coffee with a good book or a movie.
Best professional advice I have ever received:
The outcome is based on your attitude. Never give up and always give 110% all the time.
What it takes to make clients happy:
Going above and beyond to make sure their expectations are met.
Most rewarding achievement unrelated to work:
My three wonderful children.
Where you’ll find me on the weekend:
A sporting event for my kids. It never ends, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
What makes my work satisfying:
I enjoy talking with different people daily and no two days are the same. Helping people understand benefits that can be confusing to some and making them feel at ease when everything is complete.
Ben and Jerry’s flavor I need to invent:
The best of both world’s-Chocolate chip cookie dough and Reese cups.